Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Creation Magazine

I was over at my friend Kate's house last Saturday night and I was browsing through some magazines that she had stacked next to her lounge. Now Kate was brought up a Catholic but recently she has been reading Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" and Christopher Hitchens' "God Is Not Great". I know this because I saw them in her lounge room. In amongst the fashion, home decorating and music magazines was what I thought was a science magazine. I didn't really register the name but there was a lizard on the cover and it looked like a science magazine. I started flicking through it and began scanning some of the articles.

Then it dawned on me. This was a creationist magazine masquerading as a science magazine. One of the articles discussed a recent discovery in extracting DNA from dinosaur fossils. Apparently this discovery proved that dinosaurs existed in the last 10,000 years and that they became extinct due to the Noahide Flood (that's the biblical flood of Noah and the Ark fame). For the most part it sounded scientific and looked scientific. Kate told me that she saw the magazine in a newsagent among the science magazines and thought it might be fun to read.

There is a war being fought at the moment. It is a war between faith and reason. Both faith and reason are able to exist quite comfortably, unfortunately there are fundamentalists on both sides of the debate who don't allow for any departure from their particular point of view. Often this war is hidden from people but the majority of us in education, whether teaching or being taught, are caught in the middle of it. There's not enough space here to delve too deeply into the issue but have a look at the articles in Creation Magazine and see how comfortably they sit with you.

This link will take you to the Creation Magazine site where you can browse some of the articles.

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