Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Rapture and The Simpsons

Strap yourselves in, it's nearly time for the Rapture. Now unless you already know about the Rapture you're probably asking, "What's the Rapture?" To find out go to this Wikipedia link, then go to Rapture Ready and check out the Rapture Index.



Don't get too freaked out, the Rapture has got a way to go yet. People have been predicting the end of the world for a long time now and we're still here. Christian groups in America have specialised in making films about the Rapture, my favourite is "Left Behind: The Movie". It almost became my worst religious film ever except it didn't seem fair to compare it to such megabuck religious movie disasters as Battlefield Earth.

Remember the episode of the Simpsons where Homer predicts the Rapture. It's called "Thank God It's Doomsday". In it Homer takes Bart and Lisa to the movies and sees "Left Below", a parody of "Left Behind". There's a summary here at Wikipedia.


It's probably also on YouTube but I couldn't find it. Eschatology is fun!

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